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The Bodyguard
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
The Bodyguard Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Don't Remember
Rating: R Year: 1992 Category: Drama Romance Thriller
Director: Mick Jackson Time: 130 min. Writer: Lawrence Kasdan

Mine: Lots of fun. Don't expect an intellectual experience and you will have fun. Look closely and you ruin it. Big stars having fun.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Cold-as-steel professional bodyguard signs on to protect a music superstar (against his better judgment)--then falls in love with her. Overblown dual-star vehicle makes no sense, but has many crowd-pleasing ingredients--as well as moments of high kitsch. Solid film debut for Houston, who's most effective singing Dolly Parton's old song ``I Will Always Love You. '' Lawrence Kasdan's screenplay was written years earlier--reportedly as a Steve McQueen vehicle.
User Reviews:
Tiannna's rating:
3.5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
I thought it was really good.Whitney Houston was a great actress inthe movie and Kevin Costner was really good in it.
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Kevin Costner Kevin Costner as:
Frank Farmer
Whitney Houston as:
Rachel Marron
Gary Kemp as:
Sy Spector
Bill Cobbs as:
Bill Devaney
Ralph Waite as:
Herb Farmer
Tomas Arana as:
Gerg Portman
Mike Starr as:
Tony Scipelli
Christopher Birt as:
Richard Schiff Richard Schiff as:
Skip Thomas