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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Braveheart Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Kim
Rating: R Year: 1995 Category: Drama Action
Director: Mel Gibson Time: 177 min. Writer: Randall Wallace

Mine: Good but not great epic. Rob Roy was much better with similar material. Impressive as an exercise in crowd control. Should not have won best picture, let alone best director. Routine action/adventure stuff. Still has some very pretty Scotish scenery
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Big, booming, epic tale of 13th-century Scottish rebel warrior William Wallace, who builds a grass-roots resistance to the tyranny of English King Edward I (McGoohan). Manages to tell a gripping personal story that grows in scale through a series of eye-popping (and bloody) battle scenes. Only the denouement starts to drag. A powerful, passionate film about a powerful, passionate man. Winner of Academy Awards for Best Picture, Director, Cinematography (John Toll), Makeup, and Sound Effects Editing. Panavision.
User Reviews:
Joe Momma's rating:
5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
I refuse to accept your lame review of a great film, especially since you forgot to put Patrick McGoohan in the cast list (he played King Edward)!
Have an opinion? Click to write you own review.

Mel Gibson Mel Gibson as:
William Wallace
Brendan Gleeson Brendan Gleeson as:
Tommy Flanagan as:
Rupert Vansittart as:
Lord Bottoms
Jeane Marine as:
Tam White as:
Martin Dunne as:
Lord Dolecroft
Michael Byrne as:
Angus MacFadyen Angus MacFadyen as:
Robert the Bruce
Brian Cox Brian Cox as:
Argyle Wallace