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Cadillac Man
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
Cadillac Man Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: R Year: 1990 Category: Comedy
Director: Roger Donaldson Time: 97 min. Writer: Ken Friedman

Mine: Williams is a great talent, that makes bad movies. Here is has great enery, but the film is not interesting or fun. Nothing about this is very good or very bad. Blah!
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Williams is terrific, as usual, playing an aggressive car salesman who may lose his job, his mistress, his other girlfriend, his Mafioso protector, and his daughter all during one eventful weekend. Wildly uneven film swings from comedy to melodrama, dragging and then picking up again. Elaine Stritch appears unbilled as a grieving widow.
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Robin Williams Robin Williams as:
Joey O'Brien
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Zack Norman as:
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Lori Petty Lori Petty as:
Paul Guilfoyle Paul Guilfoyle as:
Jack Turgeon
Bill Nelson as:
Big Jack Turgeon
Bill Nunn Bill Nunn as:
Grave Digger
Annabella Sciorra Annabella Sciorra as: