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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
5 Stars
Casablanca Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: At UNH
Rating: NR Year: 1942 Category: Drama Romance
Director: Michael Curtiz Time: 102 min. Writer: Murray Bernett & Joan Alisaon

Mine: Hands down the best movie ever made. I have seen it at leat 50 times and it get better each time. Amazing performances all around. A true ledgend. All the more amazing when you read about the turmoil that surrounded the making of this movie. Several directors and writers. The cast did not know how the movie would end until they filmed it.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Everything is right in this WW2 classic of war-torn Casablanca with elusive nightclub owner Rick (Bogart) finding old flame (Bergman) and her husband, underground leader Henreid, among skeletons in his closet. Rains is marvelous as dapper police chief, and nobody sings "As Time Goes By' like Dooley Wilson. Three Oscars include Picture, Director, and Screenplay (Julius & Philip Epstein and Howard Koch.) Our candidate for the best Hollywood movie of all time. Spawned short-lived TV series in the 1950s and the 1980s. Also shown in computer-colored version.
User Reviews:
moviemanryan's rating:
5 Stars
(out of 5 stars)
One of the top 3 best movies ever! Fantasic! Can't get any better!!!!!! Totally Recommend!!!
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Ingrid Bergman Ingrid Bergman as:
Ilsa Lund laszlo
Paul Henreid as:
Victor Laszlo
Claude Rains as:
Capt. Louis Renault
Sydney Greenstreet as:
Senor Ferrari
Peter Lorre as:
S. Z. Sakall as:
Carl, Head Waiter
Humphrey Bogart Humphrey Bogart as:
Rick Blaine
Conrad Veidt as:
Maj. Heinrich Stasser