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Cops and Robertsons
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Cops and Robertsons Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Showcase North Haven
Rating: PG Year: 1994 Category: Comedy
Director: Michael Ritchie Time: 93 min. Writer: Bernie Somers

Mine: Some really funny stuff, but not enough energy to keep it going. Palance is quite good.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Veteran cop Palance and a young cohort need to borrow Chase's house to stake out a lowlife who's living next door; this, it turns out, is a dream come true for Chevy, who's addicted to TV cop shows and fancies himself a hero. Premise of a baby boomer living out his pop-culture fantasies echoes CITY SLICKERS (Palance included) but isn't nearly as good.
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Chevy Chase Chevy Chase as:
Norman Robberson
Jack Palance Jack Palance as:
Jake Stone
Dianne Wiest Dianne Wiest as:
Helen Robberson
Robert Davi Robert Davi as:
David Barry Gray as:
Tony Moore
Fay Masterson as:
Cindy Robberson
Richard Romanus as:
Fred Lutz
Sal Landi as:
Jaerry Callahan
M. Emmet Walsh M. Emmet Walsh as: