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Don Juan DeMarco
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Don Juan DeMarco Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Kim
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1995 Category: Drama
Director: Jeremy Leven Time: 97 min. Writer: Jeremy Leven

Mine: Very intersting and well acted movie. I remember being very impressed with it when I saw it, but now am hard pressed to remember it very well. Time so see it again.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Psychotherapist on the verge of retirement becomes entranced with a new patient, a fervent young man who believes he is the world's greatest lover. Fanciful story (by director Leven) is made compulsively watchable by its stars: Brando, compelling as ever, Depp, hypnotically believeable, and Dunaway, a delightful match for Brando, as his wife. Ill-fated Tejano singer Selena appears in the opening scene.
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Marlon Brando Marlon Brando as:
Dr. Jack Mickler
Johnny Depp Johnny Depp as:
Don Juan
Faye Dunaway Faye Dunaway as:
Marilyn Mickler
Geraldine Pailhas as:
Danna Ana
Bob Dishy as:
Dr. Paul Showalter
Tachel Ticotin as:
Dona Inez
Talisa Soto as:
Dona Julia
Stephen Singer as:
Dr. Bill Dunsmore
Rachel Ticotin Rachel Ticotin as:
Dona Inez