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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
F/X Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica during a snow storm at Hamden Cinemart.
Rating: R Year: 1985 Category: Thriller
Director: Robert Mandel Time: 109 min. Writer: Gregory Fleeman & Robert T. Megginson

Mine: First rate thriller. Brown and Dennehy are terrific. Kept me guessing to the very end. Nice use of NYC locations.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Movie special-effects man is hired to stage a phony "hit" with a Mafia man the target--but quickly learns that he's been double-crossed. Fast-moving, entertaining yarn that's a lot of fun, as long as you don't think about it for a moment afterward. Dennehy and Grifasi make a hilarious pair of Mutt and Jeff cops. Angela Bassett's film debut. Followed by a sequel and a TV series.
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Bryan Brown Bryan Brown as:
Rollie Tyler
Brian Dennehy Brian Dennehy as:
Lt. Leo McCarthy
Diane Venora Diane Venora as:
Ellen Keyes
Cliff De Young as:
Martin Lipton
Mason Adams as:
Colonel Mason
Jerry Orbach Jerry Orbach as:
Micholas DeFranco
Joe Grifasi as:
Dto Mickey Galeua
Trey Wilson as:
Lt. Murdoch
Angela Bassett Angela Bassett as:
TV Reporter