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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Hairspray Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: PG Year: 1988 Category: Comedy
Director: John Waters Time: 91 min. Writer: John Waters

Mine: Very funny, quite original. Sillyness, serious topics all roled in to one. John Waters first "mainstream" film.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Shock/schlock merchant Waters goes PG, with irresistible nostalgia satire about the integration of a TV teen dance program in 1962 Baltimore. ``Name'' performances include Harry as the shellac-haired mother of a deposed local celebrity, Zadora as a pot-smoking Bohemian, Brown as the owner of an r & b record store, and director Waters as the deranged psychiatrist. Loses steam toward the end, but still fun. Rich soundtrack mixes chestnuts and deservedly unearthed oldies.
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Sonny Bono as:
Franklin von Tussle
Ruth Brown as:
Motormouth Mabel
Divine as:
Edna Turnblad/Arvin Hodgepile
Colleen Fitzpatrick as:
Amber von Tussle
Debbie Harry as:
Velma von Tussle
Ricki Lake as:
Tracy Turnbald
Ric Ocasek as:
Beatnik Cat
Jerry Stiller Jerry Stiller as:
Wilbur Turnblad