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Honeymoon in Vegas
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Honeymoon in Vegas Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with:
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1992 Category: Romance Comedy
Director: Andrew Bergman Time: 96 min. Writer: Andrew Bergman

Mine: Likeable enough, but just a bit off. Could have been great.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Cage and Parker finally decide to tie the knot--in Las Vegas--but he loses her in a rigged poker game to mobster Caan! Engaging farce from writer-director Bergman has enough twists, turns, and cockeyed humor to keep things lively from start to finish... including a corps of ``flying Elvises. '' Presley music (performed by everyone from Billy Joel to Bono) fills the soundtrack.
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James Caan James Caan as:
Tommy Korman
Nicolas Cage Nicolas Cage as:
Jack Singer
Sarah Jessica Parker Sarah Jessica Parker as:
Pat Morita as:
Mahi Mahi
Anne Bancroft Anne Bancroft as:
Bea Singer
Peter Boyle Peter Boyle as:
Chief Orman
Seymour Cassel Seymour Cassel as:
Rony Cataracts
Tony Shalhoub Tony Shalhoub as:
Buddy Walker
Ben Stein Ben Stein as: