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Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
4 Stars
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1989 Category: Thriller Action
Director: Steven Spielberg Time: 127 min. Writer: George Lucas & Menno Meyjes

Mine: Tons of fun. Connery is a terrific addition. The openig sequence is top notch. Nobody does this kind of stuff better the Speilberg/Lucas/Ford.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Follow-the-numbers adventure spectacle has Ford in fine form and Connery adding panache as Indy's archeologist father, whose mysterious disappearance (while searching for the Holy Grail) sets the story in motion. This deliberately old-fashioned Saturday matinée yarn has everything money can buy, but never really generates a sense of wonder and excitement. A definite improvement over the second Indiana Jones outing, but it still bears the mark of one too many trips to the well. Oscar winner for sound effects editing. Panavision.
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Harrison Ford Harrison Ford as:
Indiana Jones
Sean Connery Sean Connery as:
Prof. Henry Jones
Denholm Elliott Denholm Elliott as:
Marcus Brody
Alison Doody as:
Dr. Elsa Schnieder
John Rhys-Davies John Rhys-Davies as:
Julian Glover as:
Walter Donovan
River Phoenix as:
Young Indiana Jones
Michael Byrne as: