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Johnny Mnemonic
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Johnny Mnemonic Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with:
Rating: R Year: 1995 Category: Thriller Sci-Fi
Director: Robert Longo Time: 103 min. Writer: William Gibson

Mine: An interesting concept. Done adiquitly. Could have been great. Worth seeing if you like sci-fi.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: In the very ugly future of 2021, a world-weary courier (who carries info in his head) takes one final run from Beijing to Newark, his storage capacity dangerously overloaded with volatile data sought by a huge, ruthless corporation. Intriguing premise, written by William Gibson and directed by artist Longo, goes absolutely nowhere, as uninteresting characters mouth laughable dialogue against a landscape of urban hell. Despite the computer graphics, this is cyberclaptrap. Runs about 15m. longer in Japan.
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Keanu Reeves Keanu Reeves as:
Johnny Mnemonic
Dina Meyer as:
Ice-T as:
Takeshi Kitano as:
Dennis Akayama as:
Dolph Lundgren as:
Street Preacher
Henry Rollins as:
Barbara Sukowa as:
Anna Kalmann