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L.A. Story
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
L.A. Story Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Don't Remember
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1991 Category: Comedy
Director: Mike Jackson Time: 95 min. Writer: Steve Martin

Mine: Funny in spurts. The main problem is that it is hard to spoof L.A.. Nothing is over the top there so it is hard to make it more ridiculous than it acctually is (IMHO). Some funny ideas.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Martin wrote this amusing piece of fluff about a wacky TV weatherman trying to sort out his life. Slender story thread allows Martin to make comic observations about living in trend-conscious L. A. , some of them mild, some of them worthy of laughing out loud. Several of Martin's comedy cronies make cameo appearances. A deleted scene with John Lithgow was added for the film's cable-TV debut.
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Steve Martin Steve Martin as:
Harris K. Telemacher
Victoria Tennant as:
Sara McDowel
Richard E. Grant Richard E. Grant as:
Roland Machey
Marilu Henner Marilu Henner as:
Sarah Jessica Parker Sarah Jessica Parker as:
Kevin Pollak Kevin Pollak as:
Frank Swan
Susan Forristal as:
Sam McMurray as:
Morris Frost
Chevy Chase Chevy Chase as:
Mr. Christopher
Larry Miller Larry Miller as: