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The Manchurian Candidate
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
The Manchurian Candidate Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with: with jessica
Rating: NR Year: 1962 Category: Thriller
Director: John Frankenheimer Time: 126 min. Writer: George Axelrod

Mine: Terrific thriller. Who know that Sinatra could act this well and the Angela Lansbury could be that evil. A must see if you like thrillers at all.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Tingling political paranoia thriller about strange aftermath of a Korean war hero's decoration and his mother's machinations to promote her Joseph McCarthy-like husband's career. Harrowing presentation of Richard Condon story (adapted by George Axelrod). Score by David Amram. Rereleased theatrically in 1987.
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Frank Sinatra as:
Bennett Marco
Laurence Harvey as:
Raymond Shaw
Janet Leigh as:
Rosie Chaney
Angela Lansbury Angela Lansbury as:
Mrs. Iselin
Henry Silva as:
James Gregory as:
Sen. John Iselin
John McGiver as:
Sen Thomas Jordon
James Edwards as:
Cor. Alvin Melvin