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The Neverending Story
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
The Neverending Story Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with:
Rating: PG Year: 1984 Category: Fantasy Children
Director: Wolfgang Petersen Time: 94 min. Writer: Michael Ende & Wolfgang Petersen

Mine: This is a movie mostly for the kids. It is done well, but there is little here to appeal to adults.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Petersen's first English-language film is magical, timeless fantasy built around young Oliver visualizing what he's reading from a mystical book: boy warrior Hathaway is the only hope of saving the empire of Fantasia from being swallowed up by The Nothing. Amazing, unique effects, characters, and visual design (and a not-so-subtle message that Reading Is Good). Followed by two live-action sequels, and an animated TV movie and series. Technovision.
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Noah Hathaway as:
Barret Oliver as:
Tami Stonach as:
Moses Gunn as:
Patricia Hayes as:
Sydney Bromley as:
Drum Garrett as:
1st Bully
Deep Roy as:
Teeny Weeny