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An Officer and a Gentleman
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
half a star
An Officer and a Gentleman Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Kim Ziegelmayer in Rhode Island?
Rating: R Year: 1982 Category: Drama Romance
Director: Taylor Hackford Time: 122 min. Writer: Douglas Day Stewart

Mine: Terrible dreck. A bad combination of the basic training military movie and a highly unprobable romance. Gossett is the best thing here. Gere and Winger are dreadful. Implausible ending and insipid soundtrack.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Two misfits seek direction in their dead-end lives--he by enrolling in Naval Officer Candidate School, she by trying to snag him as a husband. Four-letter words and steamy sex scenes can't camouflage a well-worn Hollywood formula script--with virtually every plot point telegraphed ahead of time! Made agreeable by an appealing cast, though even Gossett's Oscar-winning performance as a drill instructor is just a reprise of earlier work like Jack Webb's in THE D. I. Film's love song, ``Up Where We Belong,'' also won an Oscar.
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Richard Gere Richard Gere as:
Zack Mayo
Debra Winger Debra Winger as:
Papula Pakrifki
David Keith David Keith as:
Sid Worley
Robert Loggia Robert Loggia as:
Byron Mayo
Louis Gossett Jr. as:
Sgt. Emil Foley
Lisa Blount as:
Lynete Pomeroy
Lisa Eilbacher as:
Casey Seeger
Tony Plana as:
Emiliano Serra
Grace Zabriskie Grace Zabriskie as:
Esther Pokrifki