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Planes, Trains and Automobiles
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1 star
Planes, Trains and Automobiles Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: R Year: 1987 Category: Comedy
Director: John Hughes Time: 93 min. Writer: John Hughes

Mine: Unfunny, unbelievable and quite depressing and sad. If you are going to do something this dark, you should have something to say, or a least some style. Terrible stuff.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Bittersweet farce about a businessman trying to get home for Thanksgiving who encounters disaster at every turn and has to share most of it with a lout who becomes his steadfast companion. Martin mostly plays straight to the overbearing Candy, but writer-director Hughes refuses to make either one a caricature--which keeps this amiable film teetering between slapstick shenanigans and compassionate comedy. Five demerits, however, for that awful music score.
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Steve Martin Steve Martin as:
Neal Page
John Candy John Candy as:
Del Griffith
Laila Robins as:
Susan Page
Michael McKean Michael McKean as:
State Trooper
Dylan Baker Dylan Baker as:
Carol Bruce as:
Olivia Brunette as:
Larry Hankin as:
Ben Stein Ben Stein as:
Wichita Airport Rep
Edie McClurg Edie McClurg as:
Car Rental Agent