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The Player
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
1 star
The Player Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On Video Saw at/with:
Rating: R Year: 1992 Category: Drama Comedy
Director: Robert Altman Time: 123 min. Writer: Michael Tolkin

Mine: I just did not get this movie. I know lots of people think that it was great, but I was board to tears. If it was not for all the celebrity cameo's it would be a zero.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Sharp black comedy about a paranoid young movie executive (Robbins) who is threatened by a disgruntled screenwriter--until he begins taking the law into his own hands. Biting examination of Hollywood greed and power, with eternal renegade Altman near the top of his form (especially during the eight-minute opening tracking shot). Hilarious performances, scores of star cameos (several by Altman alumni like Elliott Gould, Lily Tomlin, Sally Kellerman, and Cher), many inside jokes... but a bit too much plot. Adapted by Michael Tolkin from his novel; Tolkin and his lookalike brother, Stephen, also appear as a pair of writers who meet with Robbins.
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Tim Robbins Tim Robbins as:
Giffin Mill
Greta Scacchi Greta Scacchi as:
June Gudmendsdottir
Fred Ward Fred Ward as:
Walter Stuckel
Whoopi Goldberg Whoopi Goldberg as:
Susan Avery
Peter Gallagher Peter Gallagher as:
Larry Levy
Brion James as:
Joel Levinson
Lyle Lovett Lyle Lovett as:
Detective DeLongpre
Dean Stockwell as:
Andy Civella
Bruce Willis Bruce Willis as:
Richard E. Grant Richard E. Grant as:
Tom Oakley