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Point Break
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
Point Break Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Showcase North Have on Trish's Recommendation
Rating: R Year: 1991 Category: Drama Action
Director: Kathryn Bigelow Time: 122 min. Writer: W. Peter Iliff

Mine: Stupid, but fun. Macho action, surfing, crime "Drama", with out much drama. How much you like it will depend on how much bullshit dialog you can tollerate during a half way decient story.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Maverick FBI agent Reeves is sent undercover into Southern California's surfing community to investigate a baffling series of perfect bank robberies. Incredible, mind-numbing plotline redeemed by great surfing and skydiving scenes. Assured, fast-moving direction by Bigelow keeps this movie hanging five, if not ten... though Swayze is in desperate need of a hair stylist here. Super 35.
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Patrick Swayze Patrick Swayze as:
Keanu Reeves Keanu Reeves as:
Johnny Utah
Gary Busey Gary Busey as:
Angelo Pappas
Lori Petty Lori Petty as:
Anthony Kiedis as:
John C. McGinley as:
Ben Harp
James LeGros as:
John Philbin as:
Tom Sizemore Tom Sizemore as:
Agent Deets
Elizabeth Berkley Elizabeth Berkley as:
Macrame Girl