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Return of the Jedi
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
4 Stars
Return of the Jedi Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Peter and Chris Hilton at Showcase Orange on Opening day
Rating: PG Year: 1983 Category: Sci-Fi
Director: Richard Marquand Time: 134 min. Writer: George Lucas & Lawrence kasdan

Mine: Grand stuff. I would have prefered for Darth Vader to remain evil, but what the heck! Great effects. A terrific wind up to the trilogy.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Third installment in the STAR WARS saga is a sheer delight, following the destiny of Luke Skywalker as his comrades reunite to combat a powerful Death Star. Some routine performances are compensated for by ingenious new characters and Oscar-winning special effects. More sentimental and episodic than its predecessors (and probably incomprehensible if you haven't seen them both) --but carried out in the best tradition of Saturday matinee serials, from which it draws its inspiration. Full title onscreen is: STAR WARS EPISODE VI: RETURN OF THE JEDI. Followed by two Ewok adventures for TV. Special Edition released in 1997 features enhanced effects and 4m. of additional footage. J-D-C Scope.
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Harrison Ford Harrison Ford as:
Han Solo
Mark Hamill Mark Hamill as:
Luke Skywalker
Carrie Fisher Carrie Fisher as:
Leia Organa
Billy Dee Williams Billy Dee Williams as:
Lando Calrissian
Ian McDiarmid Ian McDiarmid as:
Cos Palpatine
Frank Oz Frank Oz as:
Alec Guinness Alec Guinness as:
Obi-Wan Kenobi
James Earl Jones James Earl Jones as:
Darth Vader (Voice)