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She's Having a Baby
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2.5 Stars
She's Having a Baby Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1988 Category: Comedy
Director: John Hughes Time: 106 min. Writer: John Hughes

Mine: A routine comedy, improved by the presence of McGovern. Maybe the best part of the movie is the end when various stars suggest names for the baby.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Trials and tribulations of a young couple as they embark on marriage, domestic life, and impending parenthood, as told by the young husband, who feels trapped from the start and questions the meaning of it all. Likable enough comedy-drama grows monotonous after a while; the stars are very appealing, however.
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Kevin Bacon Kevin Bacon as:
Jake Briggs
Elizabeth McGovern Elizabeth McGovern as:
Kristy Briggs
Alec Baldwin Alec Baldwin as:
Davis McDonald
William Windom as:
Russ Bainbridge
Paul Gleason Paul Gleason as:
Cathryn Damon as:
Galye Bainbridge
John Ashton as:
James Ray as:
Jim Briggs
Dennis Dugan Dennis Dugan as:
Edie McClurg Edie McClurg as: