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So I Married and Ax Murderer
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
So I Married and Ax Murderer Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: Don't Remember
Rating: PG-13 Year: 1993 Category: Comedy
Director: Thomas Schlamme Time: 110 min. Writer: Robbie Fox

Mine: Kind of fun. Myers is better here than in any other movie to date.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: A guy who's always avoided commitment by finding absurd reasons to break up with his girlfriends finally meets Miss Right--and then comes to believe that she's a notorious axe murderess! Myers is ingratiating and funny (especially in a second role as his own contrary Scottish father) but the film never shifts into high gear. Cameos by such familiar comic personalities as Charles Grodin, Steven Wright, Phil Hartman, and Michael Richards seem mostly gratuitous. Alan Arkin appears unbilled.
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Mike Myers Mike Myers as:
Charlie Mackenzie/Stuart Mackenzie
Nancy Travis Nancy Travis as:
Harriet Michaels
Anthony LaPaglia Anthony LaPaglia as:
Tony Giardino
Amanda Plummer Amanda Plummer as:
Rose Michaels
Brenda Fricker as:
May Mackenzie
Matt Doherty as:
Charles Grodin Charles Grodin as:
Comm. Driver
Phil Hartman Phil Hartman as:
Joh Johnson