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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
2 Stars
Spaceballs Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: NR Year: 1987 Category: Comedy Sci-Fi
Director: Mel Brooks Time: 96 min. Writer: Mel Brooks & Ronny Graham

Mine: Better as sound clips than as an entire movie. Some funny stuff, but it does not hold together as a story.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Likably silly parody of STAR WARS (some years after the fact) is basically a collection of jokes, both verbal and visual. Enough of them are funny to make for pleasant, if not hilarious, fare. Surprisingly innocuous for Brooks and Co. , with Mel tackling two roles, including the diminutive Yogurt. Super 35.
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Mel Brooks Mel Brooks as:
President Skroob/Yogurt
John Candy John Candy as:
Rick Moranis Rick Moranis as:
Dark Helmet
Bill Pullman Bill Pullman as:
Lone Star
Daphne Zuniga as:
Princess Vespa
Dick Van Patten Dick Van Patten as:
King Roland
Joan Rivers as:
Dot Matrix
Jim J. Bullock as:
Prince Valium
Stephen Tobolowsky Stephen Tobolowsky as:
Captian of the Gaurd