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True Lies
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
True Lies Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with:
Rating: R Year: 1994 Category: Action
Director: James Cameron Time: 144 min. Writer: Claude Zidi & Somon Michael

Mine: A terrible movie. This has one of the most tasteless scenes in a mainstream movie ever. The whole bit where Arnold get his wife to strip for him is yucky! Preposterous at many points. Way to slow moving. Tom Arnold is too stupid. This has no sense of humor at all.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: In-your-face entertainment from the Schwarzenegger/Cameron team, with Arnold as a spy in a super-secret, high-tech government agency whose wife thinks he's just a nerdy computer salesman. With humor and action in equal doses, this film makes all the right moves--until it gets bogged down in plot (and a general putdown of women) midway through. A slam-bang action finale brings it back on-course, as credibility is gleefully tossed aside. Cameron also scripted, based on a French film, LA TOTALE. Super 35.
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Arnold Schwarzenegger Arnold Schwarzenegger as:
Harry Tasker
Jamie Lee Curtis Jamie Lee Curtis as:
Helen Tasker
Tom Arnold Tom Arnold as:
Albert Gibson
Bill Paxton Bill Paxton as:
Tia Carrere Tia Carrere as:
Juno Skinner
Art Malik as:
Salim Abi Aziz
Charlton Heston Charlton Heston as:
Spencer Trilby
Grant Heslov as: