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Who Framed Roger Rabbit
My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Who Framed Roger Rabbit Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:In Theatre Saw at/with: With Jessica
Rating: PG" Year: 1988 Category: Comedy
Director: Robert Zemeckis Time: 103 min. Writer: Gary K. Wolf & Jeffery Price

Mine: Lots of fun. Hoskins does a great job. One of a kind.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Staggering special-effects comedy places down-and-out detective Hoskins on the trail of a murderer, with cartoon star Roger Rabbit (the chief suspect) at his side. Flaws in story and characterization pale alongside the incredible blend of live-action and animation, but the ultimate feat is making us believe that Roger and his cartoon colleagues actually exist. Extra fun: spotting the many cartoon stars who make cameo appearances, looking as they did in 1947, when the story takes place. Jessica Rabbit's speaking voice was done by Kathleen Turner (unbilled) and her singing voice by Amy Irving. A coproduction of the Steven Spielberg and Walt Disney companies. The animation was directed by Richard Williams, who received a special Academy Award; three other Oscars included one for Special Visual Effects.
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Bob Hoskins Bob Hoskins as:
Eddie Valiant
Christopher Lloyd Christopher Lloyd as:
Judge Doom
Joanna Cassidy as:
Charles Fleischer Charles Fleischer as:
Roger Rabbit Voice
Stubby Kaye as:
Marvin Acme
Richard Le Parmentier as:
Lt. Santino
Amy Irving Amy Irving as:
Jessica Rabbit Singing Voice
Kathleen Turner Kathleen Turner as:
Jessica Rabbit Talking Voice