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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Oliver! Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with:
Rating: G Year: 1968 Category: Musical
Director: Carol Reed Time: 153 min. Writer: Charles Dickens & Lionel Bart

Mine: Great performaces by the entire cast make this a top notch movie musical.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Fine musical by Lionel Bart from Dickens' Oliver Twist about young boy (Lester) swept into gang of youthful thieves led by scurrilous Fagin (Moody). Colorful settings, atmosphere complement rousing score including ``Consider Yourself,'' ``As Long as He Needs Me. '' Six Oscars including Best Picture, Director, Art Direction, Scoring (John Green), and a special prize to Onna White for her spirited choreography. Panavision.
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Ron Moody as:
Shani Wallis as:
Oliver Reed as:
Bill Sikes
Harry Secombe as:
Mr. Bumble
Mark Lester as:
Oliver Twist
Jack Wild as:
The Artful Dodger
Hugh Griffith as:
The Magistrate
Peggy Mount as:
Mrs. Bumble