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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3.5 Stars
Sahara Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with:
Rating: NR Year: 1943 Category: Action
Director: Zoltan Korda Time: 97 min. Writer: Zoltan Zorda & John Howard Lawson

Mine: Certainty a second tier Bogart film, but still terrific. Boogie is top notch. Interesting story, a cut above the average war movie.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Excellent actioner of British-American unit stranded in Sahara desert in the path of Nazi infantry; Bogie's the sergeant, with fine support by Naish and Ingram. Based on the 1937 Russian film THE THIRTEEN; also made as NINE MEN and LAST OF THE COMANCHES; imitated many other times. Remade for cable-TV in 1995 with James Belushi.
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Humphrey Bogart Humphrey Bogart as:
Srgt. Joe Gunn
Bruce Bennett as:
Waco Hoyt
J. Carrol Naish as:
Lloyd Bridges Lloyd Bridges as:
Fred Clarkson
Rex Ingram as:
Srgt. Tambul
Dan Duryea as:
Jimmy Doyle
Richard Nugent as:
Capt. Jason Halliday
Patrick O'Moore as:
Ozzie Bates