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My Rating:
(out of 5 stars)
3 Stars
Thunderball Poster
Primary Location: First Saw:On TV Saw at/with:
Rating: PG Year: 1965 Category: Action
Director: Terrence Young Time: 130 min. Writer: Kevin McClory

Mine: You have got to like the Bonds. This is one of the best of the Connery bonds.
Leonard Maltin/Plot synopsis: Fourth James Bond film isn't as lively as the others. Plenty of gimmicks, and Oscar-winning special effects, as world is threatened with destruction, but film tends to bog down--especially underwater. Celi makes a formidable Bond villain. Remade eighteen years later--with Connery--as NEVER SAY NEVER AGAIN. Panavision.
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Sean Connery Sean Connery as:
James Bond
Claudine Auger as:
Domino Derval
Adolfo Celi as:
Emilio Largo
Bernard Lee Bernard Lee as:
Desmond Llewelyn Desmond Llewelyn as:
Lois Maxwell as:
Miss Moneypenny
Roland Culver as:
Foriegn Secretary
Eral Cameron as: