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Charles Grodin
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'Julia ?' (? - 1968) (divorced); 1 daughter
'Elissa' (? - present)
Trade mark

Grodin's trade mark is his petulant loutishness that he employs as a guest on various talk shows. Seemingly miffed or angry, his act is strictly tongue-in-cheek as he lobs offensive verbal attacks at his hosts.


Children with Elissa: Marion and Nicky

Charles Grodin attended the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida

Charles Grodin stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
Heavan Can Wait 1978 0000-00-00 ***
Seems Like Old Times 1980 With Peter Loge 0000-00-00 *** 1/2
Ishtar 1987 With Jessica 0000-00-00 ***
Midnight Run 1988 With Jessica 0000-00-00 *** 1/2
The Couch Trip 1988 With Jessica 0000-00-00 ** 1/2
Beethoven 1992 family on DVD 2008-02-08 ***
So I Married and Ax Murderer 1993 Don't Remember 0000-00-00 ***
Dave 1993 Don't Remember 0000-00-00 ** 1/2
Heart and Souls 1993 I don't remember 0000-00-00 **