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Charlton Heston
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Biography from Leonard Maltin's Movie Encyclopedia:

Actor. (b. Oct. 4, 1924, St. Helen, Mich., as Charles Carter.) "Charlton Heston is an axiom. By himself alone he constitutes a tragedy, and his presence in any film whatsoever suffices to create beauty." Few at the time agreed with this off-the-wall 1960 tribute to the imposing leading man by-who else-a French critic, and today's "hip" filmgoers are likely to be convulsed by it. But they're wrong too. Heston was and is an actor of absolutely undeniable presence, and was never more so than during his late-1950s/early-1960s heyday, when Hollywood needed all the presence it could get to compete with television.

Heston's earliest screen performances were seen in independently made productions ofJulius Caesar andPeer Gynt in the 1940s. But neither his Hollywood debut in 1950'sDark City nor his subsequent leading-man assignments (in the likes ofLucy Gallant andThe Greatest Show on Earth could foretell the impact he would make as Moses in Cecil B. DeMille's spectacularThe Ten Commandments (1956), which started him on a long string of historical parts, including the title role in William Wyler's 1959Ben-Hur for which he won a Best Actor Oscar.

Heston went on to play the title role in Anthony Mann's excellent wide-screen epicEl Cid (1961), and portrayed Michelangelo inThe Agony and the Ecstasy (1965). He also worked in a number of Westerns, including Peckinpah'sMajor Dundee (1965) andWill Penny (1968, one of Heston's personal favorites). In 1968 he played an astronaut trapped on a simianrun Earth inPlanet of the Apes reprising the role in its first sequel,Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970). The brief sci-fi vogue of those years also saw him inThe Last Man on Earth remake,The Omega Man (1971), and the eco-cannibal thrillerSoylent Green (1973).

Heston was a near-constant presence in 1970s disaster films, including the notoriousEarthquake (1974). While he turned up less and less on the big screen in the 1980s, he could be seen more and moreironically enough-on TV, both as a spokesperson for the many conservative issues he espouses and in many made-forcable period pieces, including remakes ofA Man for All Seasons (1988, which he also directed) andTreasure Island (1990). In 1991 he went rather against type, portraying distinctly un-rugged detective Sherlock Holmes in the made-for-cableThe Crucifer of Blood He was directed in this, and several other recent productions, by his son Fraser. He published a diary, "The Actor's Life," in 1978.

Charlton Heston stared in:

Title Year Saw with/at: Scene On Rating
Ben-Hur 1959 0000-00-00 ***
Planet of the Apes 1968 0000-00-00 **
Earthquake 1974 2022-08-17 ** 1/2
The Three Musketeers 1974 0000-00-00 *** 1/2
Airport 1975 1974 2020-03-04 ** 1/2
The Four Musketeers 1975 0000-00-00 *** 1/2
Tombstone 1993 0000-00-00 ***
True Lies 1994 0000-00-00 Bomb
Cats & Dogs 2001 w/ Kendra on DVD 2001-12-15 ***
Planet of the Apes 2001 Southington Drive-In w/ Suzy, Kedra & Allisa 2001-07-27 ** 1/2
Bowling for Columbine 2002 at York Square 2002-12-16 *** 1/2